发布时间:2014-09-05 10:19:54作者:知识屋
1 PHP_ARG_ENABLE(vehicles, 2 [Whether to enable the "vehicles" extension], 3 [ --enable-vehicles Enable "vehicles" extension support]) 4 5 if test $PHP_VEHICLES != "no"; then 6 PHP_REQUIRE_CXX() 7 PHP_SUBST(VEHICLES_SHARED_LIBADD) 8 PHP_ADD_LIBRARY(stdc++, 1, VEHICLES_SHARED_LIBADD) 9 PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(vehicles, vehicles.cc car.cc, $ext_shared)10 fi
#ifndef VEHICLES_CAR_H 2 #define VEHICLES_CAR_H 3 4 // A very simple car class 5 class Car { 6 public: 7 Car(int maxGear); 8 void shift(int gear); 9 void accelerate();10 void brake();11 int getCurrentSpeed();12 int getCurrentGear();13 private:14 int maxGear;15 int currentGear;16 int speed;17 };18 19 #endif /* VEHICLES_CAR_H */这个跟c++的头文件声明是完全一样的. 类的源文件car.cc源文件也是,属于C++的类定义
2 #include "car.h" 3 Car::Car(int maxGear) { 4 this->maxGear = maxGear; 5 this->currentGear = 1; 6 this->speed = 0; 7 } 9 void Car::shift(int gear) {10 if (gear < 1 || gear > maxGear) {11 return;12 }13 currentGear = gear;14 }16 void Car::accelerate() {17 speed += (5 * this->getCurrentGear());18 }20 void Car::brake() {21 speed -= (5 * this->getCurrentGear());22 }24 int Car::getCurrentSpeed() {25 return speed;26 }
1 #ifndef PHP_VEHICLES_H 2 #define PHP_VEHICLES_H 4 #define PHP_VEHICLES_EXTNAME "vehicles" 5 #define PHP_VEHICLES_EXTVER "0.1" 7 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H 8 #include "config.h" 9 #endif10 11 extern "C" {12 #include "php.h"13 }14 15 extern zend_module_entry vehicles_module_entry;16 #define phpext_vehicles_ptr &vehicles_module_entry;17 18 #endif /* PHP_VEHICLES_H */首先用宏判断这个头文件是不是已经包含了.然后在第四行给这个扩展一个别名.第五行给定版本号.注意在11到13行用extern "C"包含了起来,这是因为php是用c写的,所以在开发c++扩展的时候一定要声明一下.第15行声明了整个扩展模块的入口,在这个入口函数中会定义诸如MINIT/RINIT这种startup函数 和 MSHUTDOWN RSHUTDOWN这种shutdown函数. php扩展的源文件vehicles.cc:这个文件里面的内容相当多,因为它承载了如何把我们想要的c++的类与php的内核联系起来的任务.同时在这个文件中还需要把类中的成员函数进行相应的mapping,以方便php可以直接调用.这些功能会在下面的源码中一一加以说明:在第一阶段的代码里,先不涉及类相关的部分,而是循序渐进,这里的代码先给出常规php扩展源码中需要进行的一些操作:
1 #include "php_vehicles.h"2 PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(vehicles)3 {4 return SUCCESS;5 }6 zend_module_entry vehicles_module_entry = {7 #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 200109018 STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER,9 #endif10 PHP_VEHICLES_EXTNAME,11 NULL, /* Functions */12 PHP_MINIT(vehicles),13 NULL, /* MSHUTDOWN */14 NULL, /* RINIT */15 NULL, /* RSHUTDOWN */16 NULL, /* MINFO */17 #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 2001090118 PHP_VEHICLES_EXTVER,19 #endif20 STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES21 };22 #ifdef COMPILE_DL_VEHICLES23 extern "C" {24 ZEND_GET_MODULE(vehicles)25}26 #endif
1 #include "php_vehicles.h"2 zend_class_entry *car_ce;3 PHP_METHOD(Car, __construct){}5 PHP_METHOD(Car, shift) {}7 PHP_METHOD(Car, accelerate) {}9 PHP_METHOD(Car, brake) {}11 PHP_METHOD(Car, getCurrentSpeed){}13 PHP_METHOD(Car, getCurrentGear){}15 zend_function_entry car_methods[] = {16 PHP_ME(Car, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_CTOR)17 PHP_ME(Car, shift, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)18 PHP_ME(Car, accelerate, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)19 PHP_ME(Car, brake, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)20 PHP_ME(Car, getCurrentSpeed, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)21 PHP_ME(Car, getCurrentGear, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)22 {NULL, NULL, NULL}23 };24 PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(vehicles)25 {26 zend_class_entry ce;27 INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, "Car", car_methods);28 car_ce = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);29 return SUCCESS;30 }31 zend_module_entry vehicles_module_entry = {32 #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 2001090133 STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER,34 #endif35 PHP_VEHICLES_EXTNAME,36 NULL, /* Functions */37 PHP_MINIT(vehicles), /* MINIT */38 NULL, /* MSHUTDOWN */39 NULL, /* RINIT */40 NULL, /* RSHUTDOWN */41 NULL, /* MINFO */42 #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 2001090143 PHP_VEHICLES_EXTVER,44 #endif45 STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES46 };47 #ifdef COMPILE_DL_VEHICLES48 extern "C" {49 ZEND_GET_MODULE(vehicles)50 }51 #endif
1 #include "car.h"2 zend_object_handlers car_object_handlers;3 struct car_object {4 zend_object std;5 Car *car;6 };
1 void car_free_storage(void *object TSRMLS_DC)2 {3 car_object *obj = (car_object *)object;4 delete obj->car; 5 zend_hash_destroy(obj->std.properties);6 FREE_HASHTABLE(obj->std.properties);7 efree(obj);8 }9 zend_object_value car_create_handler(zend_class_entry *type TSRMLS_DC)10 {11 zval *tmp;12 zend_object_value retval;13 car_object *obj = (car_object *)emalloc(sizeof(car_object));14 memset(obj, 0, sizeof(car_object));15 obj->std.ce = type;16 ALLOC_HASHTABLE(obj->std.properties);17 zend_hash_init(obj->std.properties, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);18 zend_hash_copy(obj->std.properties, &type->default_properties,19 (copy_ctor_func_t)zval_add_ref, (void *)&tmp, sizeof(zval *));20 retval.handle = zend_objects_store_put(obj, NULL,21 car_free_storage, NULL TSRMLS_CC);22 retval.handlers = &car_object_handlers;23 return retval;24 }
25 PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(vehicles)26 {27 zend_class_entry ce;28 INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, "Car", car_methods);29 car_ce = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);30 car_ce->create_object = car_create_handler;31 memcpy(&car_object_handlers,32 zend_get_std_object_handlers(), sizeof(zend_object_handlers));33 car_object_handlers.clone_obj = NULL;34 return SUCCESS;35}
1 PHP_METHOD(Car, __construct)2 {3 long maxGear;4 Car *car = NULL;5 zval *object = getThis();6 if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &maxGear) == FAILURE) {7 RETURN_NULL();8 }9 car = new Car(maxGear);10 car_object *obj = (car_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);11 obj->car = car;12 }
PHP_METHOD(accelerate){ Car *car; car_object *obj = (car_object *)zend_object_store_get_object( getThis() TSRMLS_CC); car = obj->car; if (car != NULL) { car->accelerate(); }}PHP_METHOD(getCurrentSpeed){ Car *car; car_object *obj = (car_object *)zend_object_store_get_object( getThis() TSRMLS_CC); car = obj->car; if (car != NULL) { RETURN_LONG(car->getCurrentSpeed()); } RETURN_NULL();}
如果说输出跟标识的一致的话,那么整个过程就成功了,恭喜!/ create a 5 gear car$car = new Car(5);print $car->getCurrentSpeed(); // prints '0'$car->accelerate();print $car->getCurrentSpeed(); // prints '5'If you can run this script, congratulations, you’ve just created a PHP extension that wraps a C++ class.
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