华为路由器 www.zhishiwu.com
Login authentication
[H3C-ADSL]rsa local-key-pair create #生成本地密钥对 www.zhishiwu.com
The key name will be: H3C-ADSL_Host
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 1024]:1024 #选默认值
Generating keys...
[H3C-ADSL]user-interface vty 0 4 #进入vty视图
[H3C-ADSL-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode scheme #设置scheme认证
[H3C-ADSL]local-user Huawei #创建本地帐号“Huawei”
New local user added.
[H3C-ADSL-luser-huawei]password simple 123456 #设置密码为“123456”
[H3C-ADSL-luser-huawei]service-type ssh #设置服务类型为ssh
[H3C-ADSL-luser-huawei]level 3 #设置用户优先级
[H3C-ADSL]ssh user huawei authentication-type password #配置SSH用户验证方式为password
[H3C-ADSL]domain system #进入domain system视图
[H3C-ADSL-isp-system]scheme local #使用本地认证方案
This domain is being used!