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发布时间:2014-09-05 17:42:43作者:知识屋



apm 高级电源管理信息
cmdline 内核命令行
Cpuinfo 关于 Cpu 信息
Devices 可以用到的设备(块设备/字符设备)
Dma Used DMS channels
Filesystems 支持的文件系统
Interrupts 中断的使用
Ioports I/O 端口的使用
Kcore 内核核心印象
Kmsg 内核消息
Ksyms 内核符号表
Loadavg 负载均衡
Locks 内核锁
Meminfo 内存信息
Misc Miscellaneous
Modules 加载模块列表
Mounts 加载的文件系统
Partitions 系统识别的分区表
Rtc Real time clock
Slabinfo Slab pool info
Stat 全面统计状态表
Swaps 对换空间的利用情况
Version 内核版本
Uptime 系统正常运行时间





3)fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream),从文件流中读取一行到s中,size一般为数组s的大小,且s以字符'/0'结束。

4)int feof(FILE *stream)判断是否遇到文件结束,如果遇到则返回非零值,否则为0。

5)int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...)从文件流(或标准输入)中进行格式化输入,用法如下:

#include<stdio.h>int main(){       int i;    char s[5];    fscanf(stdin, "%d %5[a-z]%*s", &i, s);    printf("%d %s /n", i, s);    return 0;    }
执行结果(命令行输入99 abcdefghijk,由于fscanf遇到空格和换行时结束,则99存到i,abcde存到s):


#include<stdio.h>#include<sys/time.h>#define LB_SIZE 80enum TYPE{STANDARD, SHORT, LONG};FILE *thisProcFile; //Proc open file pointerstruct timeval now; //system time dateenum TYPE reportType; //the type of observation reportchar repTypeName[16];char *lineBuf; //read out bufferint interval; //system overload detect intervalint duration; //system overload detect durationint iteration;char c1, c2; //character handle uintvoid getTwoTime(FILE *fp) {	long uptime, idletime;	int day, hour,minute, second;	int m, n;	char temp[80];	m = n = 0;	int ret;	int i = 0;	char s[100][100];	int j;	while((ret=fscanf(fp, "%s", s[i])) != EOF) i++;		//print	for(j = 0; j < i; j++)	{		printf("%s/n", s[j]);	}	uptime = atol(s[0]);	idletime = atol(s[1]);	printf("<<---------------------___________------------------------->/n");	printf("the uptime of system -----------------------------> %ld/n", uptime);	printf("the idletime of process -----------------------------> %ld/n", idletime);	printf("<<---------------------___________------------------------->/n");	/*	time_t uptime_timet = uptime;	printf("xixixixixi%ld/n", uptime_timet);	char *result = ctime(&uptime_timet); 		printf("hahahahahahah %s/n", result);*/	int days;	int hours;	int minutes;	int seconds;	//uptime of system	days = (int)uptime/86400;	hours = (int)uptime%86400/3600;	minutes = (int)uptime%3600/60;	seconds = (int)uptime%3600%60;	printf("the uptime of system-------------days %d----hours %d-----minutes %d-----seconds %d----/n", days, hours, minutes, seconds);		//idletime	days = (int)idletime/86400;	hours = (int)idletime%86400/3600;	minutes = (int)idletime%3600/60;	seconds = (int)idletime%3600%60;	printf("the idletime of system-------------days %d----hours %d-----minutes %d-----seconds %d----/n", days, hours, minutes, seconds);}//get time from startingvoid sampleTime(){	//open timer file	FILE *fp;	if((fp=fopen("/proc/uptime", "r")) == NULL)	{		printf("not open /proc/uptime");		exit(0);	}		getTwoTime(fp);		fclose(fp);}void getCPUinfo(){	FILE *cpuinfo;	char ch;	if((cpuinfo=fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","r")) == NULL)	{		printf("not open /proc/cpuinfo");		exit(0);	}	/*	while((ch=fgetc(cpuinfo)) != EOF)		putchar(ch);	fclose(cpuinfo);*/	printf("*********************cpu*******************/n");		while(!feof(cpuinfo))	{		fgets(lineBuf, LB_SIZE+1, cpuinfo);		printf("%s", lineBuf);	}		fclose(cpuinfo);}void getKernelVersion() {		FILE *version;	char ch;	if((version=fopen("/proc/version","r")) == NULL)	{		printf("not open /proc/version");		exit(0);	}	printf("*****************version*************************/n");	while(!feof(version))	{		fgets(lineBuf, LB_SIZE+1, version);		printf("%s", lineBuf);	}		fclose(version);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {	lineBuf = (char *)malloc(LB_SIZE + 1);	reportType = STANDARD;	strcpy(repTypeName, "Standard");	if(argc > 1) 	{		sscanf(argv[1], "%c%c", &c1, &c2);		if(c1 != '-')  exit(1);		if(c2 == 'b')		{			printf("********************************Memory Info*********************************/n");			//open memory info 			FILE *meminfo; 			char ch;			if((meminfo=fopen("/proc/meminfo","r")) == NULL)			{				printf("not open /proc/meminfo");				exit(0);			}			while((ch=fgetc(meminfo)) != EOF)				putchar(ch);			fclose(meminfo);						printf("********************************TIME*********************************/n");			//cat the start time			sampleTime();		} else if(c2 == 'c')		{			//get cpu info and kernel version			printf("*************************CPU & kernel*************************/n");						getCPUinfo();			getKernelVersion();					}	}}

./main -b 查看内存信息以及经过格式化的启动时间。

./main -c查看cpu类型和kernel版本。

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