ioscan -fnC tape
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
tape 2 0/0/11/1/1.3.0 stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP C5683A
/dev/rmt/2m /dev/rmt/2mn /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BEST /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTn
/dev/rmt/2mb /dev/rmt/2mnb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTnb
tape 0 0/0/14/1/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE ARCHIVE Python
/dev/rmt/0m /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/rmt/c12t0d0BEST /dev/rmt/c12t0d0BESTn
/dev/rmt/0mb /dev/rmt/0mnb /dev/rmt/c12t0d0BESTb /dev/rmt/c12t0d0BESTnb
tape 1 0/0/14/1/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE ARCHIVE Python
/dev/rmt/1m /dev/rmt/1mn /dev/rmt/c12t0d1BEST /dev/rmt/c12t0d1BESTn
/dev/rmt/1mb /dev/rmt/1mnb /dev/rmt/c12t0d1BESTb /dev/rmt/c12t0d1BESTnb
tape 3 6/0/14/1/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE ARCHIVE Python
/dev/rmt/3m /dev/rmt/3mn /dev/rmt/c28t0d0BEST /dev/rmt/c28t0d0BESTn
/dev/rmt/3mb /dev/rmt/3mnb /dev/rmt/c28t0d0BESTb /dev/rmt/c28t0d0BESTnb
tape 4 6/0/14/1/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE ARCHIVE Python
/dev/rmt/4m /dev/rmt/4mn /dev/rmt/c28t0d1BEST /dev/rmt/c28t0d1BESTn
/dev/rmt/4mb /dev/rmt/4mnb /dev/rmt/c28t0d1BESTb /dev/rmt/c28t0d1BESTn
ioscan -fnC tape
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
tape 0 0/1/1/1.3.0 stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP C5683A
/dev/rmt/0m /dev/rmt/0mn /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BEST /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTn /dev/rmt/c3t3d0DDS /dev/rmt/c3t3d0DDSn
/dev/rmt/0mb /dev/rmt/0mnb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0BESTnb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0DDSb /dev/rmt/c3t3d0DDSnb
/opt/ignite/bin (这个是make_tape_recovery 所在的目录)
make_tape_recovery -A v (默认磁带 /dev/rmt/0mn,此备份为常用备份方式)
注意:如果扫描出的磁盘是 /dev/rmt/0mn ,并且类型是HP,可以直接使用上述命令。
如果扫描出的磁盘是 /dev/rmt/2mn(或者其他),并且类型是HP,就需要指定路径: make_tape_recovery -A v -a /dev/rmt/2mn
-A : 指定要备份整个Root disk / Volume Group
-v : 用于显示备份过程的提示信息
* Creating local directories for configuration files and archive.
======= 07/09/13 18:05:23 EAT Started make_tape_recovery. (Tue Jul 09 18:05:23 EAT 2013)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.0.115
@(#) net_recovery (opt) $Revision: 10.655 $
* Testing pax for needed patch
* Passed pax tests.
* Checking Versions of Ignite-UX filesets
* Creating System Configuration.
* /opt/ignite/bin/save_config -f
/var/opt/ignite/recovery/2009-03-31,15:48/system_cfg vg00
* Backing Up Volume Group /dev/vg00
* /usr/sbin/vgcfgbackup /dev/vg00
* Creating Map Files for Volume Group /dev/vg00
* /usr/sbin/vgexport -p -m /etc/lvmconf/vg00.mapfile /dev/vg00
* Creating Control Configuration.
* Creating Archive File List
* Creating Archive Configuration
* /opt/ignite/bin/make_arch_config -c
/var/opt/ignite/recovery/2009-03-31,15:48/archive_cfg -g
/var/opt/ignite/recovery/2009-03-31,15:48/flist -n 2009-03-31,15:48 -r
64 -d Recovery/ Archive -t -i 1 -m t
* Saving the information about archive to
* Creating The Tape Archive
Adding /opt/ignite/Version file to LIF.
68203+0 records in
68203+0 records out
* /opt/ignite/data/scripts/make_sys_image -c n -d /dev/rmt/0mn -t n -s
local -n 2009-03-31,15:48 -m t -w
/var/opt/ignite/recovery/2009-03-31,15:48/recovery.log -u -R -g
/var/opt/ignite/recovery/2009-03-31,15:48/flist -a 21294420
* Preparing to create a system archive
* Archiving contents of ggap1 via tar image to local device/dev/rmt/0mn.
* Creation of system archive complete
NOTE: The following files are in the list of files that were on the
system, but they are no longer present. These files are not
included in the back-up:
NOTE: Could not read the /etc/resolv.conf file.
======= 07/09/13 19:50:42 EAT make_tape_recovery completed successfully!
磁带恢复系统,需要用到安装光盘引导,到此步骤,选择 Boot from CD/DVD,Recover from Tape,然后进行恢复