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发布时间:2014-09-05 17:21:43作者:知识屋



# mysql conf
mysql_user=root #mysql root 用户名
mysql_pwd=fuckmysqlintruder #mysql root 密码

run_user=user #syslog库用户
run_pwd=user #syslog库用户密码
# Install env.
yum -y install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server php php-mysql php-pdo php-common php-gd httpd zlib-devel gcc gcc-c++
# Install rsyslog..
tar xvf rsyslog-5.6.2.tar.gz
cd rsyslog-5.6.2
./configure --enable-mysql --prefix=/usr/local/rsyslog #支持mysql,指定安装路径
make && make install
cd ..
# creat rsyslog config..
sed -e "s/ommysql:localhost,Syslog,root,/ommysql:localhost,Syslog,${run_user},${run_pwd};dbFormat/g" rsyslog.conf > /etc/rsyslog.conf
#$template dbFormat,"insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility,FromHost, Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values (%msg%, %syslogfacility%, %fromhost-ip%,%syslogpriority%, %timereported:::date-mysql%, %timegenerated:::date-mysql%, %iut%, %syslogtag%)",sql

# stop system syslog..
service syslog stop #因为有rsyslog了,系统自带的syslog停掉
chkconfig syslog off
# create rsyslog startup script
cp /etc/init.d/{syslog,rsyslog} #rsyslog没有启动脚本,复制syslog脚本
# edit rsyslog startup script
sed -i s/syslog/rsyslog/g /etc/init.d/rsyslog #修改syslog字符为rsyslog
chmod 700 /etc/init.d/rsyslog
chkconfig --add rsyslog #添加rsyslog服务
chkconfig rsyslog on
# create rsyslog bin ln
ln -sv /usr/local/rsyslog/sbin/rsyslogd /sbin/rsyslogd #创建软连结,rsyslog脚本启动的是/sbin下的rsyslogd
# conf mysql
service mysqld start
chkconfig mysqld on
mysqladmin -u root -p password ${mysql_pwd} #设置mysql的root密码,脚本执行到这里要点下回车,默认root密码为空
# create sql
cat > createDB.sql << EOF #创建Syslog数据库和表,并授权,为什么给all privileges,因为安装时会有create 操作,装完以后降权
CREATE DATABASE Syslog default character set utf8;
USE Syslog;
        ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
        CustomerID bigint,
        ReceivedAt datetime NULL,
        DeviceReportedTime datetime NULL,
        Facility smallint NULL,
        Priority smallint NULL,
        FromHost varchar(60) NULL,
        Message text,
        NTSeverity int NULL,
        Importance int NULL,
        EventSource varchar(60),
        EventUser varchar(60) NULL,
        EventCategory int NULL,
        EventID int NULL,
        EventBinaryData text NULL,
        MaxAvailable int NULL,
        CurrUsage int NULL,
        MinUsage int NULL,
        MaxUsage int NULL,
        InfoUnitID int NULL ,
        SysLogTag varchar(60),
        EventLogType varchar(60),
        GenericFileName VarChar(60),
        SystemID int NULL
CREATE TABLE SystemEventsProperties
        ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
        SystemEventID int NULL ,
        ParamName varchar(255) NULL ,
        ParamValue text NULL
grant all privileges on Syslog.* to ${run_user}@localhost identified by ${run_pwd};
# import sql
mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pwd} < createDB.sql #导入sql
# start rsyslog
service rsyslog restart #启动rsyslog
# install loganalyzer
tar xvf loganalyzer-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd loganalyzer-3.0.4
cp -r src/ /var/www/html/loganalyzer
cp -r contrib/* /var/www/html/loganalyzer
cd ..
chown -R apache.apache /var/www/html/loganalyzer
# use web install loganalyzer.
/bin/sh /var/www/html/loganalyzer/configure.sh
/bin/sh /var/www/html/loganalyzer/secure.sh
# start httpd
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on
# edit src/include/functions_common.php  function GetStringWithHTMLCodes
sed -i s/htmlentities.*/htmlentities($myStr,ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");/g /var/www/html/loganalyzer/include/functions_common.php
#return htmlentities($myStr,ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8");
# reduce the privilege
read -n 1 -p Please go to install web, when finished, press Enter...  #到这里先进web安装loganalyzer,完毕以后再来降权
cat > priv.sql << EOF #发现浏览日志详细日志的时候,会用到alter,加grant进去了.
revoke all privileges on Syslog.* from ${run_user}@localhost;
grant insert,delete,update,select,alter on Syslog.* to ${run_user}@localhost identified by ${run_pwd};
mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pwd} < priv.sql
# clean
rm -rf priv.sql createDB.sql loganalyzer-3.0.4 rsyslog-5.6.2

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